Why do packets larger than the MTU with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set still get sent?
Image by Kristiina - hkhazo.biz.id

Why do packets larger than the MTU with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set still get sent?

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Have you ever wondered why packets larger than the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set still get sent? It’s a question that has puzzled many a network administrator and engineer. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of packet fragmentation and explore the reasons behind this seemingly contradictory behavior.

The Basics: Packet Fragmentation and MTU

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s quickly review the basics. Packet fragmentation occurs when a packet is larger than the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the network it’s being sent over. The MTU is the maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted without fragmentation. When a packet exceeds the MTU, it’s broken down into smaller packets, called fragments, to ensure successful transmission.

The “Don’t Fragment” flag, also known as the DF flag, is a setting in the IPv4 header that instructs routers not to fragment the packet if it’s too large for the next hop. Instead, the packet is dropped, and an ICMP “Packet Too Big” error message is sent back to the sender.

The Mystery: Packets Larger than MTU with DF Flag Still Getting Sent

So, why do packets larger than the MTU with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set still get sent? It seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? After all, the DF flag is meant to prevent fragmentation, but if the packet is too large, shouldn’t it be dropped instead of being sent?

The answer lies in the way routers and hosts handle packets with the DF flag set. When a router receives a packet with the DF flag set, it will not perform fragmentation, but it will still attempt to forward the packet to the next hop. If the packet is too large for the next hop, the router will drop the packet and send an ICMP “Packet Too Big” error message back to the sender.

However, and this is the crucial part, the router will not drop the packet immediately. Instead, it will first check if the packet can be sent without fragmentation by using a technique called Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD).

PMTUD: The Key to the Mystery

Path MTU Discovery is a mechanism that allows hosts and routers to determine the maximum transmission unit of a path without relying on fragmentation. It works by sending packets with the DF flag set and gradually decreasing the packet size until the packet is successfully delivered.

   |  Host        |
   |  Router      |
   |  Next Hop    |
   |  Destination |

In our scenario, when the host sends a packet with the DF flag set, the router receives it and attempts to forward it to the next hop. If the packet is too large, the router will send an ICMP “Packet Too Big” error message back to the host, indicating the maximum MTU of the next hop.

The host then responds by reducing the packet size and re-sending it with the DF flag still set. This process continues until the packet is successfully delivered or the minimum packet size is reached.

So, why do packets larger than the MTU with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set still get sent? The answer is that they don’t. At least, not initially. The packet is sent with the DF flag set, but it’s not sent as-is. Instead, the router and host engage in a negotiation process using PMTUD to determine the maximum packet size that can be transmitted without fragmentation.

Real-World Implications

This mechanism has important implications for network administrators and engineers. Consider the following scenarios:

  • Network Congestion**: If a packet is too large for the next hop, it can cause network congestion and increased latency. By using PMTUD, hosts and routers can reduce the packet size to prevent congestion and ensure successful transmission.
  • Path MTU Discovery**: PMTUD allows hosts and routers to dynamically discover the maximum transmission unit of a path, ensuring that packets are transmitted efficiently and without fragmentation.
  • Performance Optimization**: By optimizing packet size based on the MTU of the path, networks can achieve improved performance and reduced latency.
Best Practices for Network Administrators

To optimize packet transmission and reduce the risk of congestion, network administrators should:

  1. Configure the correct MTU for the network**: Ensure that the MTU is set correctly for the network to prevent packet fragmentation and congestion.
  2. Use PMTUD-enabled devices**: Use devices that support PMTUD to dynamically discover the maximum transmission unit of a path and optimize packet size.
  3. Monitor network performance**: Continuously monitor network performance to identify areas of congestion and optimize packet transmission accordingly.


In conclusion, packets larger than the MTU with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set still get sent, but not in the classical sense. Instead, the router and host engage in a negotiation process using PMTUD to determine the maximum packet size that can be transmitted without fragmentation. By understanding this mechanism, network administrators and engineers can optimize packet transmission, reduce congestion, and improve network performance.

So, the next time you encounter a packet larger than the MTU with the DF flag set, remember that it’s not a contradiction, but rather a clever mechanism designed to ensure efficient packet transmission.

Keyword Description
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
DF Flag Don’t Fragment flag
PMTUD Path MTU Discovery

By understanding the intricacies of packet fragmentation and PMTUD, you’ll be better equipped to optimize your network’s performance and ensure efficient packet transmission.

Final Thoughts

In the world of networking, understanding the subtleties of packet transmission is crucial for optimal performance. By grasping the concepts of MTU, DF flag, and PMTUD, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the complexities of packet fragmentation and ensure that your network runs smoothly.

So, the next time you encounter a packet larger than the MTU with the DF flag set, remember that it’s not a mistake – it’s a clever mechanism designed to ensure efficient packet transmission.

Thanks for reading, and happy networking!

Frequently Asked Question

Explore the reasons behind packets larger than the MTU with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set still getting sent.

Why do routers still send large packets even when they know they’ll be dropped?

Routers send large packets because it’s their job to forward packets, not to police packet sizes. The “Don’t Fragment” flag is more like a warning sign, saying, “Hey, I’m too big, handle me with care!” But routers won’t drop the packet solely based on this flag. Instead, they’ll pass the buck to the next hop, hoping someone else will handle the fragmentation.

Don’t applications know better than to send large packets in the first place?

Applications often send large packets because they’re not aware of the network’s MTU. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – the application thinks it’s sending a perfectly valid packet, but the network has other plans. Additionally, some applications might rely on lower-layer protocols to handle fragmentation, so they don’t bother checking packet sizes.

Is it possible to configure routers to drop large packets with the “Don’t Fragment” flag set?

Yes, some routers can be configured to drop packets exceeding the MTU when the “Don’t Fragment” flag is set. However, this is not a standard behavior and might require specific router configurations or modifications. Typically, routers prioritize packet forwarding over packet size checks, so dropping large packets would require a deliberate configuration change.

What’s the purpose of the “Don’t Fragment” flag if it doesn’t guarantee packet delivery?

The “Don’t Fragment” flag serves as a hint to routers, telling them to avoid fragmenting the packet if possible. This flag is particularly important for applications that require packet integrity or have specific reassembly requirements. While it doesn’t guarantee delivery, it increases the chances of successful packet transmission by encouraging routers to find alternative paths or alert the sender about the issue.

Can we avoid large packet issues by using Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD)?

PMTUD is a mechanism that helps discover the optimal MTU for a path. While it’s not a silver bullet, PMTUD can reduce the likelihood of large packet issues. By periodically probing the path with gradually increasing packet sizes, PMTUD can determine the maximum size that can be safely transmitted. However, this process is not always reliable, and some networks or devices might not support PMTUD.